A Pan-Asia Newsroom and Reporting Network focused on Innovative Collaborations and Championing Journalism


Asian Dispatch Members

We’re happy to announce the first cohort of Asian Dispatch Members and Collaborators, representing newsrooms from ten countries: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, and Sri Lanka. To see the full list, head to our Members tab.

The Idea Behind
Asian Dispatch

Pan-Asia Network

Collaborative Newsroom

Resource Node

We are building a newsroom focused on cross-border, public interest journalism that will unravel stories from across Asia on the beats of climate change, immigration, democracy, politics, technology and more.

At Asian Dispatch, we want to build a community of reporters and newsrooms across the continent to strengthen and uplift the power of the press. Through this commitment, we hope to build a body of work that addresses public grievances and promotes ideas with the people’s interest at its core.

With the help of this collaborative network, we want to join the dots across Asia to provide a wider perspective and champion a resilient media landscape.

Our aim is to tell Asian stories from an Asian perspective. Visit our Members page to learn more about working with us.